Reaction to Foxsay's speech
When I heard that a group of boys only wanted to present a different House, I was shocked; it came out of the blue. From the beginning, everybody in our class had agreed on the Golden Roses. We had a vote and they won. I don’t think it is fair they should be allowed to run again because as I said we already had a vote and they lost!I’d say that it is absolutely NOT a good idea to have two houses even if their group seems determined and made a good video. It is too complicated to have two houses.
What’s more a lion is aggressive, takes up most of our logo. It is neither feminine or masculine. The rose is not the main symbol and it is small. They can’t say that our group is too feminine.
If we choose Foxsay, of course the group won’t be feminine, but the girls will be put aside although we outnumber the boys in our class. Girls must be represented on the logo for equality’s sake. If we choose to have two Houses the other classes will not take us seriously. We will be the laughing stock of the school because we are not able to agree among ourselves.
The best solution to solve this problem is for Foxsay to join us, the golden Roses, the only real group in this class with a real team spirit!